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Our story

Christophe Reboul, Simon Reboul and Christopher Rolin, 3 retro video game enthusiasts, have set themselves the crazy challenge of making a new game for the SEGA Megadrive in 2019.


Following the success of their game, called Demons of Asteborg, the 3 compatriots created their own company, Neofid Studios, to continue to make their dream come true.

Our games
The founders

Christophe Reboul is a CNAM engineer, he created Neofid Technology, a company specialized in the management of electronic loyalty cards. He also works as a database consultant for major accounts and has published a book on the subject. Since 2015 his company Neofid Technology also finances the creation of video games. It is this activity that eventually led to the creation of the game Demons of Asteborg as well as the new subsidiary Neofid Studios.

Simon Reboul is a computer developer passionate about the world of video games. Since he was a child, he has been creating his own video-game universes; with the creation of Neofid Studios, he crystallizes his passion. He started with Game Maker software and now develops in C on Sega Megadrive. It is him and his colleague Christopher who imagined the universe and the characters of Asteborg.

Initially self-taught, Christopher Rolin is an enthusiast who was coding his own mobile games long before he started his computer science studies. He is as much interested in development as in graphic design of any kind. With a sharp artistic sense coupled with a perfectionist character, he brings a new graphic vision while being faithful to the Megadrive universe. 

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Tel : +33 (0)4 92 75 98 38
Address : Immeuble d'affaire le 75,
75 rue Jean Giono 04100 MANOSQUE
Email : contact@neofid-studios.com
Monday to Friday 09:00 - 18:00
L’histoire de Demons of Asteborg

Il y a bien longtemps, à la recherche d’un continent prospère, Humains et Démons mirent leurs différends de côté et unirent leurs forces pour conquérir les terres hostiles d’Asteborg. Incapables de cohabiter paisiblement, ils établirent des règles et tracèrent des frontières.

Ils rédigèrent un pacte qui devait être respecté à tout prix.

Quelques années plus tard, la rumeur du non-respect du pacte apparut, amplifiée par la haine de Zadimus envers les humains. Une guerre éclata.

Les Humains furent rapidement submergés par le nombre et la puissance des Démons.

Alors que l’espoir des Humains dépérissait, deux Héros apparurent, une sorcière, dotée de pouvoirs magiques extraordinaires, ainsi qu’un puissant guerrier aux origines mystérieuses.

Ce dernier parvint, au prix d’un ultime sacrifice, à enfermer les Démons dans une dimension perdue. Zadimus, cependant, réussit à s’échapper, et, affaibli, il s’exila.

Peu après leur victoire, un enfant naquit de leur union restée secrète. Le bruit courut que Zadimus avait été aperçu par des pèlerins. La sorcière, affaiblie par la guerre, vécut cachée, par peur des représailles du puissant Démon. Elle finit par succomber de ses blessures, et l’enfant des Héros fut trouvé et recueilli par Bohort, chef de la Garde Royale s’en occupa comme du sien, ignorant tout de ses origines. Le garçon, qui semblait posséder de puissants dons pour le combat, reçut un entraînement intensif et devint, tout comme son mentor, un puissant guerrier.

Trente années ont passé depuis la guerre. Zadimus ayant repris ses forces, trouva un moyen d’ouvrir le portail et pu libérer les Démons enfermés dans la dimension perdue. Il lança l’attaque contre les Humains afin d’assouvir sa vengeance. Gareth, l’enfant de la providence devenu un guerrier accompli, parti au combat, afin de sauver son peuple, comme l’ont fait ses parents auparavant.

The story of Demons of Asteborg

Long ago, in search of a prosperous continent, Humans and Demons put aside their differences and joined forces to conquer the hostile lands of Asteborg. Unable to live together peacefully, they established rules and boundaries.

They drew up a pact that had to be respected at all costs.

A few years later, the rumor of the pact’s non-fulfillment appeared, amplified by Zadimus’ hatred for humans. A war broke out.

The humans were quickly overwhelmed by the numbers and power of the demons.

As the humans’ hope waned, two heroes appeared, a witch with extraordinary magical powers and a powerful warrior with mysterious origins.

The latter managed, at the cost of a final sacrifice, to lock the demons in a lost dimension. Zadimus, however, managed to escape and, weakened, went into exile.

Soon after their victory, a child was born from their secret union. Word spread that Zadimus had been seen by pilgrims. The witch, weakened by the war, lived in hiding, fearing reprisals from the powerful Demon. She eventually succumbed to her wounds, and the child of the Heroes was found and taken in by Bohort, head of the Royal Guard, who took care of him as his own, unaware of his origins. The boy, who seemed to possess powerful fighting skills, received intensive training and became, like his mentor, a powerful warrior. Thirty years have passed since the war. Zadimus regained his strength and found a way to open the portal and free the demons trapped in the lost dimension. He launched the attack against the humans to exact his revenge. Gareth, the child of providence who became an accomplished warrior, went into battle to save his people, just as his parents had done before.